
The Tip Module in BookingGo SaaS is designed for effortless integration with your appointment bookings. This intuitive feature ensures that adding a tip is a natural part of the booking process, making it easy for customers to reward exceptional service. By incorporating tipping directly into the appointment workflow, the module simplifies the transaction and enhances the overall user experience.

$10.0 /Month $100.0 /Year

Convenient and User-Friendly

Ease of use is at the heart of the Tip Module. Customers can add a tip with just a few clicks, whether they are booking online or through the mobile app. The user-friendly interface guides them through the process, providing clear options for selecting a tip amount. This convenience encourages more customers to leave tips, thereby supporting your service providers and boosting morale.

Customizable Tip Options

The Tip Module offers customizable options to suit different business needs. Administrators can set predefined tip percentages or allow customers to enter a custom amount. This flexibility ensures that the tipping experience aligns with your business model and customer preferences. Customizable settings make it easy to manage and adjust tipping policies as needed, providing a tailored solution for your booking platform.

Secure and Transparent Transactions

Security and transparency are crucial when handling financial transactions. The Tip Module ensures that all tips are processed securely, with clear records for both customers and service providers. Detailed transaction logs provide transparency, helping to build trust and confidence in your booking system. Customers can feel assured that their tips are being handled professionally and accurately.

Why choose dedicated modulesfor Your Business?

With BookingGo, you can conveniently manage all your business functions from a single location.

Empower Your Workforce with BookingGo

Access over Premium Add-ons for Stripe , Paypal , Google Recaptcha, and more, all in one place!

  • Pay-as-you-go
  • Unlimited installation
  • Secure cloud storage
$10.0 /Month
Billed monthly, or $10.0/ if paid monthly
$100.0 /Year
Billed yearly, or $100.0/ if paid yearly

Why choose dedicated modules for Your Business?

With BookingGo, you can conveniently manage all your business functions from a single location.


$10.0 /Month $100.0 /Year
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Chef Services

$10.0 /Month $100.0 /Year
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Classic Cut

$10.0 /Month $100.0 /Year
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Flexible Hours

$10.0 /Month $100.0 /Year
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Home Cleaning

$10.0 /Month $100.0 /Year
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Tasting Tours

$10.0 /Month $100.0 /Year
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